Navigating Change Management In The Shift From Traditional To Digital Signing

Navigating Change Management in the Shift from Traditional to Digital Signing

January 18th, 2024

As digital transformation becomes a pivotal goal for many organizations, the shift from traditional to digital signing marks a significant evolution. This transition reshapes operational processes, challenges ingrained employee habits, and demands a redefinition of roles and responsibilities. A common hurdle in this journey is overcoming digital adoption fatigue. In this blog, we delve into these aspects of change management and explore how Signority’s Customer Lifecycle Journey can guide organizations towards a successful digital transition, driving business growth and innovation.

Understanding the Change Dynamics

  1. Operational Process Changes
    Transitioning to digital signing represents a shift from manual, paper-based methods to automated digital workflows. This transformation necessitates a thorough reevaluation of existing procedures, paving the way for more efficient, streamlined operations.
  2. Adjusting Employee Habits
    Adopting digital signing requires employees to move away from familiar manual processes to embrace new digital methods. This shift involves not just learning new technologies but also adopting new ways of working.
  3. Evolving Roles and Responsibilities
    With the automation of previously manual tasks, employees find their roles evolving. The focus now shifts towards managing digital systems, presenting opportunities for professional growth and development.
  4. Combating Digital Adoption Fatigue
    The continuous introduction of new technologies can be overwhelming, leading to fatigue or resistance. Effective change management strategies, characterized by empathy and clear communication, are essential to navigate this challenge.

Signority’s Customer-Centric Lifecycle Journey in Change Management

To navigate these changes effectively, Signority has a proven customer-centric onboarding and professional service on demand process provides a structured framework.

To navigate these changes effectively, Signority has a proven customer-centric onboarding and professional service on demand process provides a structured framework.

  1. Preparation and Planning
    The journey towards digital signing with Signority begins with a meticulous preparation phase. It’s crucial to first gain a deep understanding of the existing processes and pinpoint opportunities for digital integration. Our team collaborates closely with customers to identify the best starting point for this transition.

    During this stage, we engage with clients to select a core group of internal champions. These individuals are pivotal in the ‘train-the-trainer’ approach, becoming the knowledge-bearers and advocates for the digital signing process within the organization. We assist in identifying key administrators and users who will play a central role in the rollout of the digital signing system.

    A critical aspect of this phase is defining a tailored adoption roadmap. This involves initiating smaller-scale pilot programs focused on specific use cases. We work with clients to determine the most suitable templates and workflows, ensuring they seamlessly integrate into and enhance existing operational processes. This step includes a careful review of any IT and legal policies that may impact the setup of accounts, templates, and workflows, ensuring compliance and smooth integration.

    An important part of our planning process also involves the transformation of existing paper forms into digital formats. This digitization isn’t just about conversion; it’s about optimization. We help streamline and simplify processes through automation, enabling our clients to concentrate on their core business activities more efficiently. This transformation is not just a technological shift but a strategic move towards operational excellence.

  2. Training and Support: Tailored for Efficiency and Effectiveness
    At Signority, we recognize that the success of any digital transition heavily relies on the confidence and proficiency of the employees using the new tools. To this end, our training and support are designed to be comprehensive yet streamlined, ensuring that your team can quickly adapt to the digital signing tools without feeling overwhelmed.

    Our training approach is use case-based and focused on practical application. Instead of lengthy, generic online tutorials, we offer concise, 30-minute training blocks, each tailored to specific use cases. This method ensures that the learning is relevant, directly applicable, and respectful of your team’s time and existing workload. We understand that our clients are professionals in their fields, not expected to be Signority experts, and our training reflects this philosophy.

    Following each training session, we actively seek feedback from our clients to not only gauge the effectiveness of the training but also to gather insights on product feature requests. This feedback loop is essential in ensuring that our support is aligned with your specific needs and challenges. Additionally, all training sessions are recorded, providing a valuable resource for future reference and review.

    To further enhance the support experience, each enterprise client is assigned a dedicated Account Manager. This personalized approach ensures that you have a consistent point of contact familiar with your organization’s unique needs and preferences. Our online support team is always available, providing an additional layer of assistance. We pride ourselves on our customer-centric support model, where every query is logged and meticulously followed through to ensure complete customer satisfaction. This commitment to support is a cornerstone of our approach, ensuring a smooth and successful transition to digital signing for your organization.

  3. Continuous Engagement and Feedback: Fostering a Collaborative Growth Environment
    At Signority, we believe that the key to successful digital signing implementation lies in ongoing engagement and open channels of feedback with our clients. This continuous interaction is vital for fine-tuning the digital signing process to align perfectly with the unique requirements of each organization.

    We proactively conduct regular focus groups, at least annually, with our enterprise customers. These sessions are more than just check-ins; they’re opportunities for in-depth discussions, allowing us to gather valuable insights directly from the users. This feedback is essential for us to understand how our digital signing solutions are being utilized in real-world scenarios and how they can be improved or adapted to better serve the evolving needs of our clients.

    Monitoring usage patterns forms a crucial part of our engagement strategy. By keeping a close eye on how our solutions are used, we can ensure that adoption is not only taking place but is also effective and efficient. This monitoring allows us to provide timely assistance and support, addressing any challenges as they arise and ensuring a smooth experience for all users.

    Beyond initial adoption, our commitment to our clients continues as we strive for widespread, corporation-wide integration of our digital signing solutions. We work closely with our clients to expand the range of use cases, continuously adapting and expanding the scope of our services. Our professional team is dedicated to creating custom templates and designing workflows that are not just functional but optimized for efficiency. This tailored approach ensures that every aspect of Signority’s offerings is leveraged to its fullest potential, contributing to the seamless digital transformation of your organization.

  4. Long-term Partnership: “We Win Only When You Win First”
    At Signority, our approach to digital signing technologies transcends the typical vendor-client transaction; we embark on a journey of long-term partnership. In a digital landscape that’s constantly evolving, staying ahead of technological trends is imperative for sustained success. Committed to this ethos, we provide ongoing support and frequent updates, ensuring our digital signing solutions are always at the cutting edge.

    Our relationships with clients are rooted in mutual trust and respect, and we treasure the confidence our customers place in us. When they choose Signority, they’re not just selecting a service provider; they’re gaining a partner genuinely invested in their success. This commitment is at the heart of how we interact and grow with our clients.

    The role of our Account Managers is crucial in nurturing these relationships. Through regular, meaningful interactions, they gather valuable insights and feedback, helping us understand how our clients leverage our digital signing solutions in their unique contexts. This feedback is instrumental in continually refining and enhancing our services.

    We’re constantly exploring ways to improve and innovate, whether through upgrading existing features or introducing new ones. Our proactive approach ensures that our partnership with each client is not static but evolves dynamically, in tandem with the fast-paced digital world. With Signority, clients embark on a path of growth and innovation, where their victories are our victories.

    As digital reliance grows, so do the complexities of legal requirements and security concerns. We’re committed to evolving alongside these legal changes, ensuring our solutions meet the highest standards of legality and security. Whether it’s adapting to local regulations like Quebec’s Bill 64 or broader legislative changes, legal compliance is at the core of what we do.

    We take pride in listening to our clients, considering their feedback and requests as integral to our product development roadmap. This customer-centric approach ensures that our solutions are not only advanced but also highly tailored to meet the specific needs of our diverse client base.

    For those transitioning from other eSign vendors, we understand the weight of the trust placed in us. Signority’s customer-centric culture is designed to make this transition seamless and rewarding. We go above and beyond to honor the trust of new members joining our community, ensuring their switch to Signority is met with unparalleled support and a commitment to excellence.

    Join us at Signority, where your growth and success define ours, and experience a partnership that goes beyond the conventional, into a future of digital excellence and mutual triumph.

The shift to digital signing is a transformative step for any organization, bringing efficiencies and modernization to traditional processes. By understanding the challenges of this transition and leveraging the structured approach of the Signority Customer Lifecycle Journey, organizations can ensure a smooth and successful adoption of digital signing. This journey is not just about technology adoption; it’s about reshaping your business practices to thrive in a digital future.

Ready to begin your digital signing journey? Reach out to Signority at for tailored guidance and support, and set your organization on the path to digital excellence.

Securing Your Trust: Signority’s Compliance Journey

Securing Your Trust: Signority’s Compliance Journey

October 5th, 2023

Signority’s security & compliance principles guide how we deliver our products and services, enabling people to simply and securely access the digital world.

Secure Personnel

Child & Family Services encompass an array of responsibilities, from safeguarding children against harm to providing necessary support to families in crisis. Each interaction, whether it’s an initial intake, assessment, or even volunteer onboarding, requires multiple layers of documentation. Historically, this has meant paper forms, manual logging, and significant administrative overhead.

The Practical Benefits of Signority’s Digital Approach

Signority takes the security of its data and that of its clients and customers seriously and ensures that only vetted personnel are given access to their resources.

  • All Signority contractors and employees undergo background checks prior to being engaged or employed by us in accordance with local laws and industry best practices.
  • Confidentiality or other types of Non-Disclosure Agreements (NDAs) are signed by all employees, contractors, and others who have a need to access sensitive or internal information.
  • We embed the culture of security into our business by conducting employee security training & testing using current and emerging techniques and attack vectors.

Secure Development

  • All development projects at Signority, including on-premises software products, support services, and our own Digital Identity Cloud offerings follow secure development lifecycle principles.
  • All development of new products, tools, and services, and major changes to existing ones, undergo a design review to ensure security requirements are incorporated into proposed development.
  • All team members that are regularly involved in any system development undergo annual secure development training in coding or scripting languages that they work with as well as any other relevant training.
  • Software development is conducted in line with OWASP Top 10 recommendations for web application security.

Secure Testing

Signority deploys third party penetration testing and vulnerability scanning of all production and Internet facing systems on a regular basis.

  • All new systems and services are scanned prior to being deployed to production.
  • We perform penetration testing both by internal security engineers and external penetration testing companies on new systems and products or major changes to existing systems, services, and products to ensure a comprehensive and real-world view of our products & environment from multiple perspectives.
  • We perform static and dynamic software application security testing of all code, including open source libraries, as part of our software development process.

Cloud Security

Signority Cloud provides maximum security with complete customer isolation in a modern, multi-tenant cloud architecture.

Signority Cloud leverages the native physical and network security features of the cloud service, and relies on the providers to maintain the infrastructure, services, and physical access policies and procedures.

  • All customer cloud environments and data are isolated using Signority’s patented isolation approach. Each customer environment is stored within a dedicated trust zone to prevent any accidental or malicious co-mingling.
  • All data is also encrypted at rest and in transmission to prevent any unauthorized access and prevent data breaches. Our entire platform is also continuously monitored by dedicated, highly trained Signority experts.
  • We separate each customer’s data and our own, utilizing unique encryption keys to ensure data is protected and isolated.
  • Client’s data protection complies with SOC 2 standards to encrypt data in transit and at rest, ensuring customer and company data and sensitive information is protected at all times.
  • We implement role-based access controls and the principles of least privileged access, and review revoke access as needed.


Signority is committed to providing secure products and services to safely and easily manage billions of digital identities across the globe. Our external certifications provide independent assurance of Signority’s dedication to protecting our customers by regularly assessing and validating the protections and effective security practices Signority has in place.

Signority Acquires SOC 2, CSA Level 2, and HIPAA Compliance

Signority Acquires SOC 2, CSA Level 2, and HIPAA Compliance

October 3rd, 2023

Ontario, Canada, September 27, 2023 – Today, Signority celebrates achieving the SOC 2 Type II compliance, in line with the standards set by the American Institute of Certified Public Accountants (AICPA), commonly referred to as SSAE 18. With an unqualified opinion supporting this achievement, Signority underscores its dedication to enterprise-level security, ensuring the safety of customer data within its system.

Furthermore, Signority has earned the CSA Star compliance, adhering to the Cloud Security Alliance’s Security, Trust, Assurance, and Risk Registry benchmarks.

With a global footprint, Signority provides a cloud-secured digital signature solution. Our platform’s security and compliance credentials were meticulously audited by the reputed Prescient Assurance, known for their expertise in B2B and SaaS sector assessments. We extend our gratitude to Secureframe for their pivotal support in this journey.

Our SOC 2 Type II and CSA Star audit certifications offer a solid reassurance to our existing and future clientele about Signority’s steadfast commitment to maintaining superior standards in security and compliance.

If you ‘d like to acquire Signority’s attestation letter, please reach out to

About Signority

Catering to a worldwide user base, Signority champions in providing leading-edge digital signature workflow solutions. We pride ourselves on ensuring legal compliance, efficiency, cost savings, and enhancing overall productivity for our clients.

Media Relations

Jane He

Digitizing Canadian Child & Family Services: Signority’s Impact

Canadian Child & Family Services:

A Digital Transformation

Canadian Child & Family Services:

A Digital Transformation

Digitizing Canadian Child & Family Services: Signority’s Impact

September 26th, 2023

Children represent the future, and families are the cornerstone of our society. In the heart of community resilience and strength lies Child & Family Services organizations. They play an indispensable role in ensuring the safety, health, and overall well-being of our most vulnerable members – our children. Yet, like many sectors with deeply embedded traditional processes, Child & Family Services have often been bound by paper-heavy methods, which can delay vital interventions and take crucial time away from direct service.

Signority: Transforming Child & Family Services with Digital Solutions

Child & Family Services encompass an array of responsibilities, from safeguarding children against harm to providing necessary support to families in crisis. Each interaction, whether it’s an initial intake, assessment, or even volunteer onboarding, requires multiple layers of documentation. Historically, this has meant paper forms, manual logging, and significant administrative overhead.

The Practical Benefits of Signority’s Digital Approach

Streamlined Consent Processes: Child & Family Services often require consent forms for various activities, including medical treatment, counseling, urgent response service plan (URS), and educational support. Signority’s digital signature solution simplifies the process of obtaining and managing these consents. Social workers can send consent forms electronically, and clients or guardians can sign them from anywhere, reducing delays and ensuring that necessary permissions are in place promptly.

Efficient Document Signing: Whether it’s agreements, service contracts, or parental consent forms, Signority enables Child & Family Services to send, receive, and sign documents quickly and securely. This efficiency is vital in situations where time-sensitive decisions must be made to protect the well-being of children and families.

Data Security: Signority hosts Canadian customer data exclusively within Canada. Our platform employs advanced encryption and security measures to safeguard sensitive information. Given that Child & Family Services handle confidential data daily, Signority’s robust security features, including masked tags for data security, guarantee that personal identifiable information (PII) remains confidential and fully compliant with data protection regulations.

Environmental & Cost Savings: By shifting away from paper-based processes, agencies can reduce their reliance on physical documents, saving money on printing, storage, and transportation. Additionally, this eco-friendly approach aligns with the broader societal trend towards sustainability.

Access from Anywhere: Signority’s cloud-based platform allows social workers and professionals to access necessary documents from anywhere with an internet connection. This accessibility ensures seamless service delivery, even when working remotely or in the field.

Efficient Onboarding: For Child & Family Services that rely on volunteers or need to conduct background checks, Signority’s digital signature solution streamlines the onboarding process. Volunteer applications and criminal record checks can be seamlessly integrated, ensuring that the agency has the right people on board quickly and safely.

Audit Trails for Accountability: Signority provides audit trails for every signed document, enhancing accountability and transparency within the organization. This feature is particularly valuable in cases where document validity and compliance are essential.

Faster Response Times: Digital signatures expedite the signing process. Social workers can get the necessary approvals in place swiftly, reducing response times and ensuring that children and families receive the support they need without unnecessary delays.

These benefits underscore how Signority’s digital signature solution is uniquely positioned to meet the needs of Child & Family Services by simplifying administrative tasks, ensuring data security, and enhancing efficiency in a sector where time and accuracy are critical for protecting vulnerable children and families.

Ultimately, the mission is clear. It’s not just about digitization for the sake of modernity. It’s about providing Child & Family Services with the platform they need to do their job more efficiently, so more time and resources can be allocated where they matter most: directly with children and their families.

By leveraging the power of Signority, Child & Family Services organizations can ensure that every child’s story is not just heard but also acted upon with the efficiency, care, and urgency it deserves.

Signority is proud to be a part of this transformative journey, offering solutions that make a tangible difference in the lives of many.

Educational Institutions Need to Implement eSignatures

Why Educational Institutions Need eSignatures

Educational Institutions Need to Implement eSignatures

In order to keep up with the ever-changing digital world, educational institutions need to implement eSignatures into their operations. Technology has had a tremendous impact on the education sector, and it’s important for schools and colleges to keep up with the latest trends. Electronic signatures are one of the many ways that institutions can modernize their processes.

Here are three reasons why eSignatures are so important for schools:

  1. Efficiency: When administration staff is bogged down with paperwork, it can significantly impact their ability to complete other tasks. eSignatures allow you to sign documents and approvals quickly and easily, without the need for a physical signature.
  2. Security: Documents signed with eSignatures are more secure than those that are not, as they cannot be tampered with or modified.
  3. Compliance: Many government agencies and organizations require electronic signatures for compliance purposes. Using eSignatures can help your school stay compliant with regulations.

Security wise eSignatures a lot more secure than paper. Paper can get lost, stolen, someone can copy it without someone knowing, and it can easily get damaged resulting in the loss of information.  The most secure signature is a Digital Signature. You can learn more about the differences between eSignatures and Digital Signature here.

To be compliant you have to follow certain guidelines and practices that your local governments or industry regulators have set up to ensure the security and safety of the documents and their signatures.

For example, some Canadian educational systems cannot have data that is stored off-site on a server that is located outside of Canada. The data also cannot go outside of Canada’s borders while in transit. This means you have to find an eSignature service like Signority

Signority guarantees your data stays safe and secure in Canada, both in transit and at rest. This means your student’s data will never travel or reside outside of Canada’s borders.

Now, let's look at efficiency.

When I think of paperwork and schools, as a parent, I think of registration forms and permission slips. Let’s use these as our use case.

Each year you have to confirm the number of students who will be returning as well as register any new students. What are some
of the issues you have probably faced when going through this process.

  •  A rush of last-minute parents coming in to register their child(ren) the week before school starts. 
  • Incomplete and missing paperwork with signatures in the wrong place.
  • Trying to get the signatures of both parents when they are divorced or separated. 

With an eSignature platform you can automate the whole process and ensure that all the information is given where it’s required. Now let’s see what the top 6 features that will help you the most.

  1. Automated workflow. With the automated workflow feature set who to send the document package to and in what order. Each recipient receives an email notifying them they have a document. You can even set up auto-reminders that go out if someone takes too long to sign.  
  2. Templates. Setting up the school registration forms as templates means you are always ready to go – all you have to do is enter the parent’s name(s) and emails. And if you need to do 2, 20, or 200 at once, use a bulk sign template to send them in less than 5 minutes! 
  3. Multi-document package. One document package can consist of the registration form health forms, the list of required supplies, and the waiver. Just upload whatever files you need in the package one at a time or using bulk select. They can even be different file formats. 
  4. Automated email reminders. Forget having to pick up the phone or send another email.  This feature allows you to determine when and how often the parents or school staff and officials will receive an automatic email reminder if they haven’t signed the document yet. This simple nudge encourages them to do their part while saving you time. 
  5. Template Link. Put a registration form on the school website so parents or students can register for an event. You can even put the registration form online for new student registrations. 
  6. Masked Tag: A masked tag will take any information entered into it, encrypt it, and conceal it from everyone in the workflow. This feature is especially useful for a student’s personal information like their health card numbers, student numbers, etc.

Having and using these six features in any eSignature platform can save you and your staff time and increase productivity.

BONUS - you help save the planet

There is one more really big benefit to using eSignatures.  Sustainability.  How much paper and printer/copier ink do you go through each year?  I encourage you to check your budget. I’m sure you will find on the paper side, it’s a lot of trees. Remember, “Today is the opportunity to build the tomorrow you want.” ~ Ken Poirot.

Finally, I would like to ask you to consider the other savings you get along with eSignatures being a green technology. You save time and money.

Consider the time it takes to: 

  • chase people for the signed documents,
  • having someone travel to deliver the document,
  • and then filing the document or scanning it back into your system.

Adopting eSignatures into your operations saves an average of $20 per document. Think about that. They save you time, money, and the environment.  But don’t take our word for it, see for yourself with this article on

If you would like to learn more about eSignatures and the features available that may help you Signority’s tutorial page is a great resource.

And to see how well an eSignature Platform would work for you then I encourage you to take advantage of our free no obligation 2-week trial.

Look for my next blog where I write about Working from Home and eSignatures

Have a great week everyone