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Regular User Dashboard

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Regular User Dashboards

User Dashboard

The User Dashboard is the Dashboard you see when you first sign into the Signority platform.

On the left of your screen you will see the left hand sidebar menu. You can either keep the menu expanded as below or collapsed as seen below, using the arrow on the top right to the menu.

The Users Dashboard has four rows of tiles in the new look. 

The top tile is your Document Report Tile. This tile shows you how many documents you have in each of the listed categories. 

  1. Draft: New Documents that you have started but not yet sent.
  2. In Progress: Documents that have been sent for signature but have not been completed yet.
  3. Finalized: Documents that have come back with all requested signatures.
  4. Cancelled: These are documents that you sent for signature but you had a reason to cancel it during the workflow. 
  5. Expired: These are documents that have been sent for signature and have expired before they were finalized.
  6. The amount of time, on average, it has taken for a document to be finalized in the last 60 days.

The next set of tiles will show  you your:

  1. Most recently used Templates
  2. The Support Channels tile.

Finally you will see your Recent Activities tile.

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