Anchor Text: Creating a New Document

Available Plans:
Premium, VIP, Standard, Custom          Users: All Users

Create a New Document with Anchor Text

Now that we have the basics, here’s how to create a new document in Signority with anchor text.  First, you will have to create a document in your desktop that has anchor text in them.  In the demo document below, there are two recipients.  For the sake of demonstration, we’ve made the anchor text black. Once the document is ready you will want to change the text colour to be white so that it can’t be seen.

Note: The first few times you create a new document or template with Anchor Text you will have to adjust the position of any surrounding text or content to accommodate the tag size.  To learn the different ways you can resize a tag to fit your document read: Sizing Anchor Text Tags.

After you have created your document with the anchor text:

  1. Sign into Signority
  2. Click on the New button
  3. Select New Document.

On the Document Upload page, in the order below:

  1. Under “Upload Options” check the box “Add tags automatically based on anchor text”
  2. Then upload the document(s) you have created with the anchor text. 

Check Add Tags based on Anchor Text then Upload documents

Once you have uploaded your documents, click “Add my recipients” or “Next” and add your recipients.  Signority will automatically detect how many recipients need to sign the document based on the anchor text that you have inputted.

Auto-generated workflow

After adding your recipients, continue to the document editor by clicking “Next”.  You should see Signority Tags placed on top of the areas where you inputted anchor text. You may resize or reposition the tags as you would normally do with any New Document, if required.

Tags rendered new document

Double check to make sure everything is in the right place and the size you need.  Then click send and wait for your document to get signed!

Anchor text can also be used in API integrations with Signority.  For more information about our API, you can check out our online API documentation.

Next  you may want to learn about:

  1. Sizing Anchor Tags
  2. Create a Template Using Anchor Tags
  3. Create a Document Using Anchor Tags




Sizing Anchor Text Tags

Available with: Standard and Custom Plans           Users: All

In the Anchor Text Tag Tutorial you learned how to add Anchor Text tags to a document, define options (radio button and checkbox), and how to make them optional.   You also learned the default tag sizing for each tag. This tutorial will review the three different ways of customizing the tag size.

The three ways to define a tags size are: 

  1. Set a Default Size 
  2. Backslash Method
  3. Specifying the Width x Height. 

Each method lists the roles that may utilize it.

Default Settings 

Note: Only a Billing or a Super admin may define the default text and date tag sizing

The tag size options in the Global Settings will:

  1. Only affect the Text and Date tags
  2. Make whatever dimensions you set the default for all new documents and templates created within the organization from that time.

To change the default sizing for the text and date tags go into Global Settings:

  1. Select Documents in the top menu
  2. Change the pixels for each tag’s height and width settings.
    Note: The date tag will affect both the Date and Sign Date tags.
  3. Click Save

Set Default Text and Date Tag Size


Backslash Method

This method of setting the tag size uses the anchor text.  The font size you choose affects the height of the tag ensuring it fits the font required.  If all of your documents use the same font size, or similar, this allows you to only worry about setting the length required. 

If you have a document and you need to enter a text tag into a space for the recipient to fill in, you can ensure that the content they enter does not run over the next content on that line. For example, let say that the line below is where you need to place a text tag:

“On this day, the organization                                                                                                        agrees to purchase the following…”

To do this you would enter the text tag script as defined in the Anchor Text tutorial, except that you would have the closing backslash placed where you would like the tag to stop.  This means instead of using \t1\ for a text tag assigned to Signer1 (resulting in the default tag size) it would look like this:

“On this day, the organization \t1                                                                                              \  agrees to purchase the following…”

Demonstrated below you can see how the document renders in Signority and it recognizes the anchor text you have in the document:

  1. The sentence without any anchor text added as above.
  2. Using the default anchor text string (in red). Notice how it overlaps your content.
  3. And, defining the text tag length using the backslash. Note how the tag surrounds the string of text from the opening backslash to the closing backslash, while the height of the tag matches the font’s height.
default vs backslash anchor text tag method


Note: If the font size set in your document is not similar to the default set in Signority, it will be noticeable in the final document.  

Below is an image of the same sentence in three different font sizes. The Signority default font size is set to 12 for the text and date tags. Notice how the tag is the proper length for the text string entered, but the tag is not snug around the text string like in example #3 in the image above. This is because the all of the tags are set for a font size of 12.

document font vs tag font 1

This next image will show you how the content entered into each tag is reflected in the final document. Remember, each sentence is in the font size stated in that sentence, but Signority is set to a default font size of 12.

Note how the text is sizably different in the first (larger) and second (smaller) example. You can also see that the text is also off from its optimal position making the document look sloppy. 

document font vs tag font 2

Tip: To avoid this from happening we recommend that you use the next example of how to size an anchor text tag.


Specify Width x Height

To define a tag size using a specific width and height, you are going to use a ratio to the tag’s default size.  This gives you much more flexibility and control over a tags size and where and how  you can place it on the document.

The Anchor Text Tag tutorial showed you that in order to place a regular text tag into a document, and assigned it to first signer, you would add the following string of text: \t1\

But what if  you want the tag to be twice the width and 20% lower in height?  Here is how you would create that tag: \t1_2.0_0.80\

Here are the definitions of each component of this text string:

  • \ Tells Signority where to start a tag and opens the script.
  • T Make it a text tag
  • 1 Assign it to the first signer in the workflow
  • 2.0 Make it twice the width of a normal text tag
  • 0.80 Make the height only 80% of a normal text tag (or make 20% shorter)
  • \ Closes the anchor text tag script.

If you would like to make this tag optional, as with the regular anchor text string you would simply place an ‘o’ after the opening backslash like this,  \ot1_2.0_0.80\

Note: You must place an underscore ( _ ) after the number of the signer and one after the width. 

Here is an image showing regular anchor text tags on the left and the same tag with custom sizing on the right. You can see the string used in each tag.

regular size vs custom


Note: If both the Specify Width & Height method and the Backslash Method are used, i.e.: \t1_1.2_2.0            \ ; the Specify Width & Height overrules the Backslash Method.

Adding Multiple Recipients Simultaneously

Available with:  All Plans          Users: All

Do you have a document that requires multiple recipients? Simply enter or paste a list of emails separated with semicolons and the recipients will be created automatically.

To Add Multiple Recipients Simultaneously:

  1. Start the process of Creating a New Document.
  2. Once on the Add Recipient’s page, click on the ellipses button next to Add Me (1) and select Add Multiple Recipients in the dropdown menu (2).

  3. A pop up window will appear where you can type or paste your recipient’s emails separated with semicolon and a space. Click OK when done.

    Note: Do not place a semi-colon after the final email address.
  4. Your recipients will automatically populate the workflow in the order listed as “signer” recipients.  Signority will prefill signers’ names using the first part of their email before the “@” symbol (1).  Please review the names in your list and make any required corrections.
    Note: If any of the email addresses you have entered are invalid Signority will outline them in red to show you where any corrections are needed, as seen below.
  5. Make any changes to the recipients, their settings, and customize the email message if required.
  6. Click Next and continue with the document creation process.


Enabling Auto-Search for Anchor Text

Available with:
Standard Team & Custom Plans         Users: All Users (if activated by Admin)

Save time by enabling the auto-search feature for Anchor Text. This will allow you to skip having to remember to check the box “Add tags automatically based on anchor text” when creating  a new document or template.

Note: You must be a Billing Admin or Super Admin in order to enable/disable this feature.

How to enable auto-search for anchor text:

  1. In your Sidebar menu select Admin.
  2. Click Settings in the Admin Console sidebar menu and then Global Settings.  

    Settings >> Global Settings

  3. Once your Global Settings modal window pops up select Document (1).
  4. In the list of options enable the “Enable “Anchor Text” import by default when adding new files” option, as seen below (2).

    Enable anchor text auto-search

  5. Click Save on the top right of the Global Setting window.

Doing this will auto-check the “Add tags automatically based on anchor text” option in both the new document and template creation processes, as seen below.


Global Settings: Signer Options


Available with: All Team Plans     Role: Billing Admin, Super Admin, Team Admin 

Signer Options allows an organization to determine what, if any, restrictions signers have when signing a document. These are in both Global and Team settings. You can make them a default or enforce (lock) the settings.

They can be found in both Global and Team settings.  By enabling or disabling each option you allow or restrict what a signer can, or cannot, do when signing a document. Below is an image of the Signer Options from Global Settings. 

When the slider button to the left of the option is on the left and gray the option is visible to the signer.  If the button is on the right with a blue background, then the option is hidden from the signer.

Global Settings - Signer Options
Let’s review what each of these options allow a signer to do if not disabled.


Note: The below setting for controlling the document workflow once a signer has rejected the document is only found within the Global Settings.


Signing flow behavior when a recipient rejects

This dropdown option is directly tied to the setting that comes after it, Hide Reject Button, and is applicable if the setting is disabled; meaning that the Reject button is available to the signer.

Should a signer reject a document this setting allows you to determine what the next action will be regarding the workflow. 

Reject workflow options


Once a signer Rejects a document you can choose:

  • Continue with the signing flow (the document will continue uninterrupted.)
  • Cancel the document and send an email notifying the signers (that the document has been cancelled).
  • Cancel the document and do not send an email to the signers (do not let the signers know the document has been cancelled).


Hide Reject Button

This option will hide the Reject option. This option allows the signer to reject, this action will let you know that they have decided not to sign the document.  You can set what the workflow will do next in the Global Settings.  By the “Hide Reject Button” option you will see the dropdown with three (3) options, as in the image below.  

Hide Change Signer Button

Change Signer allows the signer to do exactly what it says, it allows them to reassign their tags in the document to another signer, i.e.: A husband may change it so that his wife will sign the document.  At this time Signority will ask for her name and email address to forward the document. 

Hide Save Button

If the Hide save button option is enabled, the recipient will not have the ability to save their progress as they are undergoing the signing process, and will have to either fill out the entirety of a form in one session or start over the next time they access the document.

Hide Download Button 

Upon selecting the Hide download button option, the signer will not have the option to download the document that they are currently signing.

Hide View Document Button

When the Hide view document button option is picked, the signer will not be able to see the document again after they have signed it.

Hide Status Button

If the Hide status button option is selected, the signer will  be unable to view the document’s ID, GUID, name, Creation date, Expiry date, Recipient list, and history while information about whether or not other recipients have signed will also be unavailable.

Hide Thumbnail

If the Hide thumbnail option is selected, the signer will no longer see the thumbnail summary showing how many pages there are in each file that makes up the document.

Hide Help Button

If the Hide help button option is selected, the signer will no longer see the help button located at the bottom right side of the page.

Hide Draw Signature Option

This will hide the Draw tab on the Signature box when they click to sign the document, preventing them from using their finger or stylus to apply their signature.

Hide Type Signature Option

This will hide the Type tab on the Signature box when they click to sign the document, preventing them from typing their signature.

Hide Upload Signature Option

This will hide the Upload tab on the Signature box when they click to sign the document, preventing them from uploading an image of their signature to use to sign the document.

Allow Users to Delegate Signing Authority

When enabled this option allows users to designate a member from their own team to sign a document on their behalf.  This option is particularly useful when a user is going on vacation and has time sensitive documents out for signing. You can read how to delegate a signer here.

Signer View Options Overview

Available with:
All Plans            Role: All Users 

Signer View is the document specific version of ‘Signer Options’. They allow a sender to restrict the signers ability to perform certain actions when signing the document. 

Leaving the option unchecked will allow the signer to access that option. If it is checked, as shown with the “Hide thumbnail button” below, the option will be hidden from the signer.

Signer View options list

Here is an explanation for each option:

Hide Change Signer Button

Change Signer allows the signer to do exactly what it says, it allows them to reassign their tags in the document to another signer, i.e.: A husband may change it so that his wife will sign the document. At this time Signority will ask for her name and email address to forward the document. If you do not wish them to be able to change the signer, check the box beside this option.

Hide Reject Button

This option will hide the Reject option. This option allows the signer to reject, this action will let you know that they have decided not to sign the document. You can set what the workflow will do next in the Global Settings. By the “Hide Reject Button” option you will see the dropdown with three (3) options, as in the image below.

Hide Save Button

If the Hide save button option is checked, the recipient will not have the ability to save their progress as they are undergoing the signing process, and will have to either fill out the entirety of a form in one session or start over the next time they access the document.

Hide Download Button 

Upon selecting the Hide download button option, the signer will not have the option to download the document that they are currently signing.

Hide View Document Button

When the Hide view document button option is checked, the signer will not be able to see the document again after they have signed it.

Hide Status Button

If the Hide status button option is selected, the signer will be unable to view the document’s ID, GUID, name, Creation date, Expiry date, Recipient list, and history while information about whether or not other recipients have signed will also be unavailable.

Hide Thumbnail

If the Hide thumbnail option is selected, the signer will no longer see the thumbnail summary showing how many pages there are in each file that makes up the document.

Hide Help Button

If the Hide help button option is selected, the signer will no longer see the help button located at the bottom right side of the page.

Hide Draw Signature Option

If selected this will hide the Draw tab on the Signature box when they click to sign the document, preventing them from using their finger or stylus to apply their signature.

Hide Type Signature Option

Checking the box for this option will hide the Type tab on the Signature box when they click to sign the document, preventing them from typing their signature.

Hide Upload Signature Option

This will hide the Upload tab on the Signature box when they click to sign the document, preventing them from uploading an image of their signature to use to sign the document.

Editor Recipient Abilities

Available with: Custom & Enterprise Plans            Role: All Users 

Editing a Document as an Editor Recipient

The Editor role does not have any tags to fill or sign. Their purpose is to make changes to the package by updating or adding additional tags and adding supplemental pages before it reaches the next recipient. 

Editor recipients will receive an email similar to other recipients when they are assigned as an Editor, however, after opening the document and accepting the terms of use, they will be brought to a version of the editor page, rather than the signing page.

Editor Recipient email notification
On this page the Editor Recipient can review and make changes by:

  1. adding additional pages to the document package
  2. adding/removing tags, update any tag settings
  3. Once done, click Finish Editing to allow the signing of the document

 Note: Editors are not able to adjust the recipients or document settings.

Editor Recipient document design page

Editor Recipient

Available with: Custom & Enterprise Plans            Role: All Users 

This is a role you would assign someone if you wish to allow them to make changes to the document before it is sent for signing. 

A Recipient Editor:

  • Must be the first recipient in the workflow
  • Are not signers and cannot have tags assigned to them. They may be added as a Signer later in the signing order if they need to contribute to the document.
  • May add, remove, or replace document files in the package
  • May add, remove, or replace tags that are on the document.
  • Cannot edit the workflow or recipients 
  • Cannot change document settings, i.e.: Signer Options.

Note: For any large errors, completing a cancel and resend of the package should be considered.

Adding an Editor Recipient

  1. Begin by creating a new document, then upload your documents or go straight to the add recipients page.
  2. In the Recipients page select the Signing Order checkbox.

    Select Signing Order Checkbox
  3. Add your recipients, placing the person that you want to be the Recipient Editor as the first signer.

    Recipient editor should be the first recipient in the workflow
  4. Change their role to Editor in the dropdown menu.

    Change their role to Editor in the dropdown menu
  5. Finish designing the document as you normally would and then click Send (or Save if this is a Template)

Electronic Seal

Available with: Custom Plans      Role(s): Team Admin, Super Admin

Electronic Seals give a recipient the authority to place an electronic seal on the document that represents your organization’s department.

Adding an Electronic Seal

  1. Navigate to the Admin Console, and under the settings dropdown on the left navigation menu, go to the Seals page.
  2. Select the Add Seal button to bring up the Add Seal pop-up.
  3. Add the following settings:
      • Name: Name of the electronic seal
      • Email: The email of the person which the seal is associated with
      • Password: Password will be entered by the electronic seal recipient for the seal to be applied
      • Graphic:
        • File: PNG or JPEG of the electronic seal
        • Display Subject: Seal Name
        • Display Date: Date that the seal is applied
        • Display Time: Time that the seal is applied
        • Display Reason: Reason for seal being applied
      • Users/Teams: Select the users/teams that can add the electronic seal to their documents

  4. Click OK when you are done.

The seal will now appear on the Electronic Seals page. To edit the Seal, click the pen icon button to the right of the seal.

Activating/Deactivating Electronic Seals

Electronic seals are automatically active once they are made. However, if you wish to deactivate or reactivate them, you can do so by clicking on the “Active” or “Inactive” Buttons under the Status column on the Electronic Seals page.

Adding an Electronic Seal

  1. Begin by creating a new document, then upload your documents or go straight to the add recipients page.
  2. On the recipient’s page, select the Electronic Seal button.
  3. Using the dropdown, select which electronic seal you wish to use.
  4. Add the rest of your recipients and then proceed to the document editor page.
  5. Select the electronic seal recipient on the left menu, and the Electronic Seal tag will appear.
  6. Drag and drop the Electronic Seal onto your document.
    Note: An overlay of the Electronic Seal will appear to show how the seal will look once it is applied
  7. Finish setting up your document and then click Send.

The email associated with the electronic seal will be sent an email when the document is ready for them to apply the seal.

Applying an Electronic Seal

  1. Open the document for signature.
  2. On the “Document for your Secure Access” popup, enter the password for the electronic seal.
  3. Agree to the terms of use and click next.
  4. Click on the Electonic Seal tag to stamp the seal.
  5. Click Finish.


What do the Severity Level and Priority mean for my support issue?


When you submit a support ticket you will receive an email stating the tickets Severity Level and Priority level, shown in the image below. These let you know the estimated time for resolution of the problem and how wide spread it may be.

Before we begin, you can read a much more detailed explanation of Signority’s standard SLA (Support Level Agreement) here.

Here are the five (5) level of Severity Levels that Signority has defined and what they mean:

  1. Level 1 – Critical:
    Services are unavailable for all Users
  2. Level 2 – Disruptive:
    Services prevent clients from executing one or more critical business processes for a substantial number of Users, or Services are usable with limited capabilities and/or intermittent interruptions which have serious business Impact.
  3. Level 3 – Localized, no Workaround:
    Services disrupt important business processes for less than a substantial number of Users. No reasonable workaround available.
  4. Level 4 – Localized, w/Workaround:
    Disruption of important business processes where a workaround is available or functionality is not imperative to Your business operations. Disruption does not have a significant impact on Your business operations, but may impair nonessential functions of the Services or adversely affect the use of the Services. Reasonable workaround is available. A reasonable workaround is available.
  5. Client Knowledge:
    An issue that can be resolved by sending the user an already available Knowledge Base article, online video tutorial, or support guidance.


Along with the Severity Level assigned to your ticket will be a Priority Level, this level gives guidance on the estimated timeline required to resolve the issue.

The Priority Levels are Low, Medium, and High.

  1. High
    Will always be assigned to a Level 1 incident. This means all hands on deck and we are working to resolve the issue as quickly as possible.
  2. Medium
    This priority level will always be associated with a Level 2 situation, and in some cases a Level 3. This is a major interruption that most likely will require a Hotfix. This means as soon as we have a solution that has been tested thoroughly we will release it asap. We will always work to resolve the issue within 3-5 working days.
  3. Low
    The Low priority does not mean that you are necessarily at the bottom of the list.  This simply means that as soon as we understand what is causing the issue we know it may take more time to resolve.
    A low priority will be assigned to Severity Levels 3, 4, and 5. 
    It does mean that if the issue is restricted to select accounts and is not restricting business, the ‘fix’ will be released either in a Patch  (a smaller release scheduled between our major updates/Sprints) or it may come out in our next sprint (major release).
    A low priority will also be assigned to any ticket where we have been able to resolve it through sending you a tutorial or if you actually needed to speak with another department for your question.